Thursday, November 12, 2009

4th FINA World Trophy - Montreal 2009

Within 2 weeks, the 4th Synchronized Swimming FINA World Trophy will be held in Montreal, bringing in new Events and making the sport even more interesting and more atractive for the audience. This year, 5 Events will be held:
  • Synchro Highlight routine (platform lift, floating pattern, cadence action, throw),
  • Thematic duet (reflecting the culture of the host country),
  • Solo,
  • Thematic team (reflecting the culture of the Team's own country),
  • Combination,
In each event the judges will only score the artistic impression. Participating countries are: Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom and USA. Stay tunned and enjoy!
Dentro de 2 semanas, el 4to Trofeo Mundial FINA de Nado Sincronizado se realizara en Montreal, poniendo en escen anuevos eventos, haciendo este deporte aun mas interesante y atractivo para la audiencia. Este ano, 4 eventos estaran en competencia:
  • Rutina de puntos culminantes (plataforma, flota, accion en cadena y lanzamiento),
  • Dueto tematico (que refleje la cultura del pais anfitrion),
  • Solo,
  • Equipo tematico (que refleje la cultura del propio pais del Equipo),
  • Combinacion,
En cada evento, los Jueces solo calificaran la Impresion Artistica. Los paises participantes son: Brazil, Canada, China, Egipto, Italia, Japon, Rusia, Espana, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos.
Complete information here / aqui