Monday, September 29, 2008

FINA Rules

Rule proposals are due to FINA by November 17, 2008. Let's get creative!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

FINA SS Judges School 2008

FINA Synchronized Swimming Judges School 2008 will be held once again this year, in each Continent, calling every FINA Judge (or soon to be nominated) that either did not attend last year's School or did not pass the test; so, if there are Judges that attended the School last year and did aprove the test, will not have to attend the School again until next year, when - according the plans - we will all join an International Congress, where all the new regulations will be placed in our handbooks and minds :) this year's schedule for the School looks as follows:
  • October 02-05: Melbourne (AUS)
  • October 08-11: Bali (INA)
  • October 29 - November 01: San Jose (CRC)
  • November 04-07: Tunizia
  • November 13-16: Rome (ITA)
La Escuela FINA para Jueces de Nado Sincronizado se realizara de nuevo este ano, en cada Continente, convocando a todos los Jueces FINA (o Jueces que seran nominados) que no participaron en la Escuela del ano pasado o no aprobaron el examen; asi que los Jueces que asistieron el ano pasado y aprobaron el examen, no tendran que asistir hasta el proximo ano, cuando - de acuerdo a los planes - participaremos todos en el Congreso Internacional, donde todas las nuevas reglas comenzaran a estar vigentes tanto en nuestros manuales como en nuestras mentes :) el calendario de Escuelas de este ano es el siguiente:
  • Octubre 02-05: Melbourne (AUS)
  • Octubre 08-11: Bali (INA)
  • Octubre 29 - Noviembre 01: San Jose (CRC)
  • Noviembre 04-07: Tunizia
  • Noviembre 13-16: Roma (ITA)
More information here / aqui

Thursday, September 4, 2008

PanAmerican Age Groups Championship 2008

12 years and under:

1. Jaqueline Simoneau (CAN) 66,683
2. Teresa Alonso (MEX) 66,145
3. Sara Ramirez (COL) 64,722
1. Alonso / Zarate (MEX) 66,583
2. Velez / Ramirez (COL) 65,362
3. D'Estefano / Turri (VEN) 63,808
1. Mexico 65,342
2. Venezuela 62,771
3. Colombia 62,618

13-15 age group:

1. Emilia Kopcik (CAN) 75,916
2. Alexa Tchekmarev (USA) 75,233
3. Ana Mendoza (MEX) 73,674
1. Tessier / Kopcik (CAN) 75,408
2. Haylor / Spada (USA) 74,387
3. Mendoza / Romero (MEX) 73,454
1. Canada 74,984
2. USA 74,146
3. Mexico 73,685

16-18 age group:

1. Camille Bowness (CAN) 78,420
2. Nuria Diosdado (MEX) 77,625
3. Giovana Stephan (BRA) 76,888
1. Bowness / Morin (CAN) 78,143
2. Becerra / Diosdado (MEX) 77,562
3. Stephan / Molinos (BRA) 77,431
1. Mexico 76,827
2. Canada 75,467
3. USA 74,402

Complete results here / aqui