Thursday, July 31, 2008

Junior World's Championship 2008 (solos)


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Junior World's Championship 2008 (Combos)








Junior World's Championship 2008

Although it was a couple of weeks ago, still the experiences lived during the Junior World Championship remain and I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to Judge at this event as well. The Junior World's Championship always shows new faces that soon will be part of the Senior Teams of their respective countries, the new generation of swimmers that will take the place of those that are finishing their sporting careers or that simply happen to have a better performance than older swimmers. The site, a very nice swimming pool (specially designed for synchronized Swimming) in San Petersburg held the competition where more than 200 swimmers attended the call... of course, so many swimmers meant a very long Figure Competition that lasted over 7 hours for some panels BUT I would say that this competition proved that the basic techniques and skills evaluated during the Figures, are the key points since all the ranking changed, up and down after the Figures were added to the prelimins.
Before the end of the year, only the Olympic Games will atract the attention of everyone, other Events will be held but at regional / continental level that will be also interesting to follow but will not have as many countries involved. I am glad I had the opportunity to talk about this blog during the Seminar held at the end of the competition, as I said there, this blog is open to EVERYONE and I expect to have many people willing to contribuite on making this blog, the learning / communication tool we do not have yet.

Aunque fue hace un par de semanas atras, aun las experiencias que vivimos durante el Mundial Junior permanecen en nosotros y me siento extremadamente afortunado de haber tenido la oportunidad de calificar tambien en este Evento. El Campeonato Mundial Junior siempre presenta nuevas caras que pronto perteneceran a los equipos Senior de sus respectivos paises, la nueva generacion de nadadoras que tomaran el lugar de aquellas que estan terminando su carrera deportiva o que simplemente, resulta que tecnicamente estan mejor que atletas mayores. El lugar de la competencia: una piscina increible en San Petersburgo, especialmente disenada para el Nado Sincronizado, fue el sital de competencia donde mas de 200 atletas se dieron cita... por supuesto, con esa cantidad de atletas, la competencia de Figuras fue bastante larga (duro mas de 7 horas en algunos panels) PERO me atreveria a decir que esta Competencia comprobo y confirmo una vez mas que las tecnicas y habilidades basicas que se evaluan en las figuras, son la clave de este deporte porque todo el ranking cambio, cuando las Figuras fueron sumadas a los resultados parciales de las Rutinas.

Solo quedan los Juegos Olimpicos hasta final del ano, ese sera el evento que atraera todas las miradas aunque habra otros eventos a nivel regional / continental que tambien seran interesados pero no tendran tantos paises participantes. Me da mucho gusto que tuve tambien la oportunidad de hablar sobre este blog durante el Seminario que se realizo al final de las Competencias; como lo dije ahi, este blog esta abierto para TODO EL MUNDO y espero que mucha gente este de acuerdo con la idea de contribuir en hacer este blog, una herramienta de comunicacion y aprendizaje.

Full results here / aqui