All Qualified for the Olympic Games Beijing 2008, 8 Teams and 24 Duets will face eachother at the Water Cube and will put names over the Olympic medals :) are some bets outthere?
Australia, Canada, China, Egypt, Spain, Japan, Russia, USA Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, China Czech Republic, Egypt, Fpain, France, Great Britain, Greece,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazachstan, DPR Korea, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA
Todos los clasificados para los Juegos Olimpicos Pekin 2008, 8 Equipos y 24 Duetos se encontraran de nuevo en Agosto en el Cubo de Agua y le pondran nombre a las medallas :) hay apuestas por ahi?
The group of Judges during Good Luck Beijing 2008 / Los Jueces durante Good Luck Beijing 2008