My concept about the FINA Synchronized Swimming Judges School is very good, you have the chance to learn a lot of new things and you also even remember a lot more that probably you are not thinking about when you are giving a mark. It was a great experience but very tiring. Great: because there were 4 full days about Synchronized Swimming (and those that don't know about this sport say: don't they get tired of Synchro??? well, no, we don't!!!) but we all were a bit tired because there were 4 full days or work, from 9am to 6pm. About the test? Well, it wasn't as difficult as I expected (the ones that indeed knows about it, knows).
There were 6 Judges from Venezuela, 2 from Cuba, 1 from Brazil, 1 from Aruba and all the others were from Colombia as I am.
P.S.- And yes, there were NO parties because everybody was exhausted.
Lina Zapata
FINA B Judge - Colombia
Mi concepto acerca de la Escuela FINA para Jueces de Nado Sincronizado es muy bueno: Se aprenden nuevas cosas y se recuerdan otras que posiblemente no se tienen en cuenta al dar una nota. Fue vacana y un poco agotadora. Vacana: porque fueron 4 dias completos de Nado Sincronizado, dicen los que no aben: NO se cansan de ver Nado Sincronizado??? pues no, no nos cansamos!!! pero si un poco de cansancio porque las jornadas son de 9am a 6pm durante 4 dias. El examen nada dificil: El que sabe, SABE! Estuvimos 6 Jueces de Venezuela, 2 de Cuba, 1 de Brazil y 1 de Aruba y el resto de Colombia.
Y nada de fiesta, por el cansancio.
Lina Zapata
Juez FINA B - Colombia