Thursday, July 2, 2009

Roma 2009 (about to begin)

Within a few days, the 13th FINA World Swimming Championship will begin and its host city will be Rome, exactly as it happned 15 years ago. With no much time left, at this stage everybody is finishing the last details on the preparation but also probably already packing and getting on their way (because "all the ways lead to Rome"). 15 years ago, special swimming pools were builded for Synchronized Swimming and Water Polo by Myrtha Pools; this time these 2 sports will also share the same venue and you can read more about it here.Dentro de unos dias, el 13vo Campeonato Mundial FINA de Natacion comenzara y la ciudad sede es Roma, igual como sucedio hace 15 anos. Faltando tan poco tiempo, en este momento todo el mundo estara alistando los ultimos detalles en su preparacio ademas de estar (tal vez) ya comenzando a empacar y a tomar su camino (porque "todos los caminos llevan a Roma"). Hace 15 anos, una piscina especial fue creada por Myrtha Pools para las competencias de Nado Sincronizado y Polo Acuatico; este ano estos dos deportes tambien compartiran la misma piscina y pueden leer mas acerca de esto aqui.


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