Men's Cup 2009
The 3rd Men's Cup of Synchronized Swimming was held by April 11th in Milan (ITA) and there was participation of several countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands and Ukraine) and they competition had participation in Solo, Duet, Trio, Team and Combo. Synchronized Swimming remains as a women sport on the mind of many people in the world, what can be surprising for a lot of people is the amount of men that are practicing this sport and the commitment they have with what they do that even they organize their own competition :) it is probably a small step today but it is worth to believe that it will be a huge step for the future of this sport.
La 3ra Copa de Nado Sincronizado para Hombres se llevo a cabo el 11 de Abril en Milan (ITA) y hubo participacion de varios paises (Alemania, Belgica, Espana, Francia, Japon, Italia, los Paises Bajos, Republica Checa, Suecia y Ucrania) compitiendo en Solo, Dueto, Trio, Equipo y Combo. El Nado Sincronizado, para muchas personas, se asocia solamete con la idea de que es un deporte para mujeres; lo que puede resultar una sorpresa para muchos, es la cantidad de hombres que practican este deporte y el nivel de compromiso que tienen con lo que hacen y disfrutan que hasta organizan sus propias competencias :) tal vez este es un pequeno paso que dan hoy pero vale la pena creer, que este paso significara un gran avance para este deporte en el futuro.
1 Abe Atsushi (JPN - Tritones) 77,000
2 Renaud Barral (BEL - Brass) 73,500
3 John Fay (FRA - Paris Aquatique) 67,500
1 Abe Atsushi (JPN - Tritones) 85,166
2 Renaud Barral (BEL - Brass) 76,833
3 Ondrej Cibulka (CZE - Pvrni Czeskych) 72,000
Special guest of the Event was Giovanna Burlando, a legend of Synchronized Swimming in Italy, who made a dance number in / out the water.

Abe Atsushi (JPN) - Solo 1st place
Complete results here / aqui
For many years, men have not been allowed to participate in synchronized swimming international competitions. It is time for a change! Just as it is in figure skating, it is possible to have both men and women enjoy competing in this sport together. If FINA accepts to start at the masters level, where there are more men in the sport, this may be a big step forward in synchro. So to all of the synchro lovers out there, please join us and spread the word. Our goal is to have mixed categories at the FINA World Masters 2014 in Montreal, Canada!
Would be so cool to have men at the Olympics and more boys in synchro. Synchro is harder for the guys as they do not float as well, legs very muscled and heavy and they might be as flexible. A mixed duet would be something with a woman swimmer in her glitter suit and a male swimmer topless in his bold black speedo.
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